Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences on calcified tissues

ba0004p130 | (1) | ICCBH2015

Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis: the value of whole-body MRI in a series of 34 children

Jacobs Benjamin , Brown Mathew , Guha Ananya , Alexandrou Dion , Paul O'Donnell , Keen Richard

Objectives: To assess the role of whole-body MRI in the diagnosis and management of chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO) is a benign and non-infective auto-inflammatory bone disorder characterised by multiple and recurrent inflammatory bone lesions. No universal diagnostic criteria exist.Methods: Retrospective review of CRMO cases diagnosed at this hospital between 2008 and 2014. Cases were identified from patient records and clinical inform...

ba0004p135 | (1) | ICCBH2015

Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis in children: a new, MRI-based method of quantifying inflammation in the bone

Alexandrou Dionysios , Jacobs Benjamin , Paul O'Donnell , Hargunani Rikin , Guha Ananya , Roettger Diana , Kubassova Olga

Objectives: The main aim of the study is to describe a new method of quantitative, MRI-based assessment of inflammation in children with chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO).General hypothesis: The main hypothesis is that the bone marrow edema, as detected in CRMO with MRI, can be quantified to aid early diagnosis and help identify clinically silent lesions.Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of static MRI s...

ba0004p144 | (1) | ICCBH2015

Hypomagnesaemia due to lead poisoning in the context of a heterozygous CLDN-16 mutation

Ramaswamy Priya , Kurre Malathi , Muller Dominik , Dargan Paul , Gevers Evelien , Allgrove Jeremy

Background: 3 year old boy born to non-consanguineous parents. He was diagnosed to have autism at 2 years of age. He had a history of pica.Presenting problem: He was admitted with severe carpopedal spasms of hands and feet. Investigations revealed severe hypomagnesaemia at 0.26 (0.7–1.0) mmol/l, hypocalcaemia at 1.59 (2.2–2.6) mmol/l, hypokalaemia, hyponatremia and moderately low vitamin D levels. Parathyroid hormone concentration was low. Urin...

ba0004p179 | (1) | ICCBH2015

An atypical case of bone fragility and dysmorphism with an unusual and novel de novo COL1A1 mutation

Skae Mars , Rauch Frank , Mughal Zulf , Sims Jo , Davis Naomi , Scott B , Arundel Paul , Hobson Emma

We report a male child presenting with antenatally diagnosed bilateral talipes equinovarus, short stature, bilateral cryptorchidism and poor weight gain; born at 39 weeks gestation (birth weight 2.56 kg) to non-consanguineous Caucasian parents. Facial dysmorphism included a prominent forehead, brachycephaly, shallow orbits, a high anterior hairline, a narrow nasal bridge and small mouth with a thin upper lip. He had white sclera and was short for height (−4.4 SDS) with a...

ba0004p180 | (1) | ICCBH2015

Rare diseases of bones, joints and vessels study

Forestier-Zhang Lydia , Barrett Joe , Wordsworth Paul , Luqmani Raashid , Bishop Nicholas , Kassim Javaid Muhammad

Background: There are currently 456 rare bone disease recorded within 40 groups. Within many of these diagnoses there is marked heterogeneity of severity and complications that is often not explained by current understanding of disease mechanisms. There is an urgent need to improve the care of these patients by developing novel diagnostic tests and therapies based on understanding sub-phenotypes within existing diagnostic groups.Aim: To develop a nationa...

ba0005p37 | Bone biomechanics and quality | ECTS2016

Elemental composition of compact human bone correlated with the osteocyte network

Roschger Andreas , Roschger Paul , Repp Felix , Wagermaier Wolfgang , Weinkamer Richard , Klaushofer Klaus , Fratzl Peter

Spatial distributions of major and minor chemical elements are supposed to change during tissue maturation and due to bone diseases. Previous studies suggested that osteocytes have the ability to interact with the bone matrix of their environment. For this interaction osteocytes make use of the big inner surface of the osteocyte lacuno-canalicular network (OLCN) in which they are accommodated. The aim of this study was to quantify spatial correlations between the elemental com...

ba0005p62 | Bone development/growth and fracture repair | ECTS2016

Bcl-2-associated athanogene-1 (BAG-1) regulates chondrocyte and osteoblast development

Greenhough Joanna , Papadakis Emmanouil , Cutress Ramsey , Townsend Paul , Oreffo Richard , Tare Rahul

The co-chaperone, Bcl-2-associated athanogene-1 (BAG-1), is expressed by chondrocytes and osteogenic cells, and interacts via heat shock chaperones (HSC70/HSP70) with diverse proteins such as nuclear hormone receptors to regulate cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Early embryonic lethality in Bag-1 null mice has limited the investigation of the function of BAG-1 in skeletal development. The present study aimed to elucidate the role of BAG-1 in skeletal...

ba0005p63 | Bone development/growth and fracture repair | ECTS2016

Comparison of bone stiffness during fracture healing in the human distal radius assessed with HR-pQCT using μFEA and FEA based on downscaled images

Voermans Anne , de Jong Joost , Willems Paul , Geusens Piet , van den Bergh Joop , van Rietbergen Bert

High resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT) in combination with micro finite element analysis (μFEA) is a promising tool to assess longitudinal changes in bone mechanical properties during the fracture healing process in the distal radius. In the present study we investigate if these changes can be detected as well when using images with lower resolutions, comparable to clinical QCT images.Postmenopausal women with a stable...

ba0005p195 | Cell biology: osteoclasts and bone resorption | ECTS2016

The role of LC3 and autophagy in bone resorption by osteoclasts

Tran Anh , Coxon Fraser , McDermott Emma , Ganley Ian , Odgren Paul , Martinez Jennifer , Green Douglas , Helfrich Miep

The autophagy protein LC3 is necessary for bone resorption by osteoclasts, although it has been suggested that this may be through a novel, autophagy-independent process, by promoting lysosomal fusion at the ruffled border (RB). This process would be analogous to LC3-associated phagocytosis (LAP), in which LC3 is acquired by phagosomes through an autophagy-independent process, and controls phagosome maturation by promoting fusion with lysosomes. We have investigated this possi...