Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences on calcified tissues

ba0002oc22 | Miscellaneous | ICCBH2013

Prolidase deficient mice are osteoporotic in early life

Foster Sarah , Grabowski Peter , Gallagher Orla , Besio Roberta , Rossi Antonio , Bishop Nick , Forlino Antonella

Background: Proline and hydroxyproline account for ~25% of aminoacids in collagen., Prolidase (peptidase D (EC, cleaves iminodipeptides with a C-terminal proline or hydroxyproline, playing a major role in collagen catabolism. Mice with prolidase deficiency (PD) present with varied phenotypes including reduced size compared to wild-type littermates. We measured structural and mechanical properties of bones in PD mice.Methods: Whole femurs from ...

ba0005p444 | Other diseases of bone and mineral metabolism | ECTS2016

Deep characterization of a zebrafish model for dominant osteogenesis imperfecta

Tonelli Francesca , Gioia Roberta , Biggiogera Marco , Fisher Shannon , Leikin Sergey , Schinke Thorsten , Rossi Antonio , Forlino Antonella

Dominant osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a bone disease mainly caused by collagen type I mutations and characterized by bone fragility and growth delay. Nowadays no definitive cure is available. A zebrafish OI model (Chihuahua) carrying an heterozygous G574D substitution in the α1 chain of collagen type I was generated by ENU mutagenesis and is available in our laboratory. Control (WT) and mutant (Chi+/−) fish growth was followed up from day 1 post fertilization to ...

ba0005lb13 | (1) | ECTS2016

High-fat diet can accelerate the bone loss process of ovariectomized rats?

Yanagihara Gabriela , Shimano Roberta , Tida Jacqueline , Macedo Ana Paula , Shimanno Antonio Carlos

After many years of study, researchers show that obesity can harm the bones. It is not known whether the increased fat mass can accelerate the process of bone loss. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether high-fat diet accelerates the process of bone loss in ovariectomized rats. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of our Institution (188/2013). 40 female wistars rats with body mass of 60 g were used in this study. They were equally divided into four experimen...

ba0007is10 | (1) | ICCBH2019

Endoplasmic reticulum stress in osteoblasts

Besio Roberta , Tonelli Francesca , Garibaldi Nadia , Leoni Laura , Cotti Silvia , Forlino Antonella

Bone tissue homeostasis requires the coordinated activity of osteoblasts, the bone forming cells, of osteoclasts, the bone resorbing cells, and of osteocytes, generally referred as the bone mechano-sensors. In this contest, osteoblasts are the mesenchymal cells secreting the extracellular matrix components on which hydroxyapatite crystals are then deposited. The most abundant protein of this organic matrix is type I collagen, a heterotrimeric secretory protein, synthesized as ...

ba0001pp55 | Bone biomechanics and quality | ECTS2013

In vivo microindentation for the assessment of bone material level properties

Ammann Patrick , Guerri Roberto , Hansma Paul , Nogues Xavier , Diez-Perez Adolfo

A micro-indentation technology potentially allows in vivo investigation of intrinsic bone tissue quality, a determinant of bone fragility. Thus the signification of the parameters investigated is still unclear.Since protein malnutrition affects bone material level properties – geometry and strength – rats were fed a normal or an isocaloric low-protein diet. Both femurs were collected and measurements of geometry using micro CT, materia...

ba0001pp324 | Osteoporosis: evaluation and imaging | ECTS2013

Strong diagnostic agreement between a novel ultrasound-based method for lumbar densitometry and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry

Muratore Maurizio , Conversano Francesco , Casciaro Ernesto , Soloperto Giulia , Franchini Roberto , Greco Antonio , Quarta Eugenio , Casciaro Sergio

Introduction: Currently, osteoporosis is mainly diagnosed through dual-enargy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). However, DXA cannot be used for early diagnoses through population mass screenings because of issues related to ionizing radiation employment. Aim of this study is to perform a preliminary clinical validation of a new ultrasound (US)-based method for vertebral densitometry.Methods: A total of 270 women were included in this study according to the fol...

ba0003oc2.4 | Osteoporosis epidemiology | ECTS2014

Are the high hip fracture rates among Norwegian women explained by impaired bone material properties?

Duarte-Sosa Daysi , Vilaplana Laila , Guerri Roberto , Nogues Xavier , Diez-Perez Adolfo , Eriksen Erik Fink

Hip+ fracture rate in Norway is the highest registered in World, and more than double that of Spanish women. Previous studies were unable to demonstrate significant differences between the two populations with respect to bone mass or calcium metabolism. In order to test, whether the difference in fracture propensity between both populations could be explained by differences in bone material quality we assessed bone material strength using microindentation in 41 Norwegian and 4...

ba0003pp21 | Bone biomechanics and quality | ECTS2014

Are the high hip fracture rates among norwegian women explained by impaired bone material properties?

Duarte-Sosa Daysi , Vilaplana Laila , Roberto Guerri , Nogues Xavier , Diez-Perez Adolfo , Eriksen Erik Fink

Hip fracture rate in Norway is the highest registered in World, and more than double that of Spanish women. Previous studies were unable to demonstrate significant differences between the two populations with respect to bone mass or calcium metabolism. In order to test, whether the difference in fracture propensity between both populations could be explained by differences in bone material quality we assessed bone material strength using microindentation in 41 Norwegian and 46...

ba0003pp350 | Osteoporosis: treatment | ECTS2014

Bilateral transient osteoporosis of hip: a case report

Gala Carlos Cano , Alconada Roberto Gonzalez , Leon German Borobio , Rendon Diaz Diego Alejandro

Transient osteoporosis of hip (TOH) is a spontaneous resolving skeletal disorder characterized by sudden onset of severe pain which resolves within 6–12 months. It is seen more commonly in middle aged men, though also seen in third trimester of pregnancy. MRI is the main diagnostic tool. It is idiopathic in nature.We present a case report of a young adult male who presented with migratory transient osteoporosis of both hip joints separated by a peri...

ba0005oc2.6 | Bone mass and bone strength Wnt signalling | ECTS2016

N-cadherin maintains osteoprogenitor number and restrains Wnt signaling in osteoblasts

Fontana Francesca , Salazar Valerie , Brecks Cynthia , Revollo Leila , Mbalaviele Gabriel , Civitelli Roberto

We have shown that genetic ablation of Cdh2 (N−cadherin gene) in osteolineage cells results in osteopenia and decreased osteoprogenitor number. Paradoxically, others have shown that mice overexpressing Cdh2 in osteoblasts are also osteopenic; an action linked to a negative effect of N−cadherin (Ncad) on Wnt signaling, via sequestration of low density lipoprotein receptor−related protein−...