Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences on calcified tissues

ba0004is3biog | (1) (1) | ICCBH2015

Bone material properties

Fratzl Peter

Biographical DetailsPeter Fratzl is director at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam, Germany, and honorary professor at Humboldt University Berlin and Potsdam University. He holds an engineering degree from Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, France, and a doctorate in Physics from the University of Vienna, Austria. His scientific interests include the relation betwee...

ba0006is18biog | (1) (1) | ICCBH2017

Phosphate and FGF23 signaling

Bacchetta Justine

Biographical DetailsJustine BacchettaJustine Bacchetta (MD 2009, PhD 2011) is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics in Lyon, France. She is specialized in pediatric nephrology and pediatric diseases of calcium and phosphate metabolism. After a research fellowship at UCLA (Los Angeles, USA), she has four main research topics of interest: bone and mine...

ba0001pp468 | Other diseases of bone and mineral metabolism | ECTS2013

Miglustat therapy normalizes bone mass in a mouse model of cystic fibrosis

Henaff Carole Le , Hay Eric , Velard Frederic , Marty Caroline , Marie Pierre J , Jacquot Jacky P

Brittle bones have been reported in children, adolescents and adults with cystic fibrosis (CF), independently of sex; this has been termed CF-related bone disease. In CF patients with the F508del mutation in the (Cftr) gene, vertebral fractures and the subsequent dorsal kyphosis decrease pulmonary function, thus accelerating the course of the disease. Mice with the homozygous F508del mutation in CFTR develop a severe osteopenic phenotype early on, in both sexes (Le He...

ba0001pp30 | Arthritis and other joint diseases: translational and clinical | ECTS2013

Changes and comparison of bone metabolism, bone mineral density, MRI in early rheumatoid arthritis

Vershhynina Diana , Ryzhyk Varerij , Mikhalchenko Olena , Golovach Iryna , Dudij Peter , Semeniv Igor , Shevchuk Olga

The problem of early diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis remains an important area of research in rheumatology. We investigated changes in bone metabolism, bone mineral density in early rheumatoid arthritis (ERA; up to 12 months). Data were compared with changes in the MRI study of the dominant hand.We observed 24 patients with ERA, the average age – 33.6±5.7 years. The men were 6 (25%), women – 18 (75%). Bone mineral density (BMD) was deter...

ba0001pp429 | Osteoporosis: treatment | ECTS2013

Study description and baseline characteristics of the population enrolled in the extended forsteo® observational study (ExFOS)

Langdahl Bente , Benhamou Claude , Lindh Erik , Dekker Joannes , Kapetanos Giorgios , Kocjan Tomaz , Ljunggren Osten , Napoli Nicola , Petto Helmut , Nicolic Tatjana

ExFOS is a multicenter, prospective, observational study to evaluate fracture outcomes, back pain, compliance and health-related quality of life in female and male patients with osteoporosis treated with teriparatide [rhPTH(1–34)] (Forsteo)for 18 to 24 months. Post-treatment follow-up will last for at least 18 months. Patients were enrolled in Croatia, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Norway, Slovenia, and Sweden. The study design was non-interventional and all consenting ...

ba0003pp274 | Osteoporosis: pathophysiology and epidemiology | ECTS2014

Hyperuricemia, bone mineral density and TBS of Ukrainian men

Povoroznyuk Vladyslav , Dubetska Halyna

Aim of research: To determine the prevalence of hyperuricemia affecting the Ukrainian men in relation to the bone mineral density and TBS.Object of research: The Ukrainian men (n=132), age of the examined patients –from 50 to 80 years. Average age of examined patients was 58.2±1.3 years. According to the levels of uric acid in the blood serum, all patients were divided in four quartiles.Methods of research: Uric ...

ba0005p313 | Osteoporosis: evaluation and imaging | ECTS2016

Changes of trabecular bone score in Asian females: comparison of 1990s and 2010s

Kim Young-Seong , Koh Miwon , Seok Choi Han , Hwan Kim Jin , Lee Taeyong

The purpose of this study is to understand the changes of TBS scores in Asian females by comparing 1990’s and 2010’s DXA images.We have compared the DXA images of 3774 Korean females (age: 20–79) to Japanese (age: 20–79). While Korean DXA images were obtained in 2014 and 2015, Japanese data were obtained in 1996. Participants who have abnormal DXA images or lumbar disease were excluded. TBSiNsight® software (v. 2.1.1, ...

ba0005p316 | Osteoporosis: evaluation and imaging | ECTS2016

Correlations between trabecular bone score (TBS), sex, age, height, weight and bone mineral density (BMD): a study of the Korean population

Kim Young-Seong , Koh Miwon , Choi Han Seok , Kim Jin Hwan , Lee Taeyong

The purpose of this study is to assess the correlation of trabecular bone score (TBS) to variable factors, i.e. sex, age, body size and BMD. Moreover, we want to find variables of correlation coefficient change with aging.We randomly selected 2,906 subjects (1726 female and 1180 male, age range 20’s to 70’s) from several hospitals in Korea. Participants who have abnormal Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) images or lumbar disease were exclu...

ba0005p488 | Preclinical and ex vivo imaging | ECTS2016

Mandibular bone: an unusual trabecular bone?

Coutel Xavier , Olejnik Cecile , Marchandise Pierre , Chauveau Christophe , Penel Guillaume

Introduction: Mandibular alveolar bone appears to be particularly sensitive to local factors compared to other skeletal sites. In growing rats, occlusal hypofunction leads to a dramatic decrease of the alveolar bone microarchitecture. Intra-radicular bone surrounding teeth is a specific functional area with a high bone turnover. We hypothesized that the mechanical loading of the alveolar process during mastication may play a role in the preservation of the alveolar bone microa...

ba0006is01biog | (1) (1) | ICCBH2017


Baron Roland

Biographical DetailsDr Roland BaronDr Roland Baron is Professor of Medicine at the Harvard Medical School, Endocrine Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Professor in the Division of Bone and Mineral Research and Chair of the Department of Oral Medicine, Infection and Immunity at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine since January 2008. From 1977 -...