Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences on calcified tissues

ba0003pp220 | Osteoporosis: evaluation and imaging | ECTS2014

The fracture outpatient clinic: what is the additional value of vertebral assessments and which individuals should be more actively recruited?

Muilwijk Carolien , Lips Paul , Lems Willem , Bultink Irene , den Heijer Martin , de Jongh Renate

Fracture outpatient (FO) clinics aim to identify individuals at high fracture risk. Identification of individuals at high fracture risk has been improved since the introduction of vertebral fracture assessment (VFA). Unfortunately, participation rates in FO clinics are often low.The aim of this study is to i) assess the contributory value of VFA in addition to BMD measurements in identifying individuals with high fracture risk; ii) assess characteristics...

ba0005ni8 | Abstract Presentations | ECTS2016

Bone marrow adipose tissue and bone turnover in postmenopausal osteoporotic women and the effects of raloxifene

Beekman Kerensa , Heijer Martin den , Maas Mario , Bisschop Peter , Bravenboer Nathalie

Background: In postmenopausal osteoporosis, a loss of bone volume due to increased bone turnover is accompanied by a higher volume of bone marrow adipose tissue (BMAT). If this static relationship is based on a functional relationship, BMAT is a potential target for treating osteoporosis. While it is known that estrogen can reduce BMAT, it is still unknown whether raloxifene – a selective estrogen receptor modulator – can also reduce BMAT.Objec...

ba0005p65 | Bone development/growth and fracture repair | ECTS2016

Effect of postponing puberty and cross-sex hormone therapy on bone turnover markers and BMAD in transgender adolescents

Vlot Mariska , Klink Daniel , den Heijer Martin , Blankenstein Marinus , Rotteveel Joost , Heijboer Annemieke

Background: Puberty is highly important for the accumulation of bone mass. Bone turnover and bone mineral density can be affected in transgender adolescents when puberty is postponed by gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRHa), followed by treatment with cross-sex hormone therapy (CSHT).Objective: To investigate the effect of GnRHa and CSHT on bone turnover markers (BTMs) and bone mineral apparent density (BMAD) in transgender adolescents.<p ...

ba0005p79 | Bone Marrow | ECTS2016

Bone marrow adipose tissue and bone turnover in postmenopausal osteoporotic women and the effects of raloxifene

Beekman Kerensa , den Heijer Martin , Maas Mario , Bisschop Peter , Bravenboer Nathalie

Background: In postmenopausal osteoporosis, a loss of bone volume due to increased bone turnover is accompanied by a higher volume of bone marrow adipose tissue (BMAT). If this static relationship is based on a functional relationship, BMAT is a potential target for treating osteoporosis. While it is known that estrogen can reduce BMAT, it is still unknown whether raloxifene – a selective estrogen receptor modulator – can also reduce BMAT.Objec...

ba0003pp96 | Cancer and bone: basic, translational and clinical | ECTS2014

Osteoblast-secreted extracellular vesicles stimulate the expansion of CD34+ human umbilical cord blood cells

Morhayim Jess , Demmers Jeroen , van Wijnen Andre , Braakman Eric , Cornelissen Jan , de Peppel Jeroen van , van Leeuwen Hans

Introduction: Umbilical cord blood (UCB) is increasingly used in hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplantations; however, the low cell numbers are still remaining as a limiting factor for proper engraftment. Osteoblasts are major constituents of HSC niche and play important roles in regulating HSC self-renewal and differentiation. Recently, extracellular vesicles (EVs) have been implicated in stem cell fate regulation via horizontal transfer of proteins and nucleic acids betwe...

ba0005p61 | Bone development/growth and fracture repair | ECTS2016

Advanced phase gestational jet lag reduces bone mass of adult offspring

van der Eerden Bram , Chaves Ines , Azimzadeh Pedram , Schreuders-Koedam Marijke , Reiss Irwin , van Leeuwen Johannes , van der Horst Gijsbertus

The mammalian circadian clock is tightly controlled by clock genes, which have been shown to regulate up to 20% of the transcriptome in any given tissue. Evidence is accumulating that light-modulation perpetually affects circadian clock performance. In accordance, shift work or chronic jet lag is associated with higher risk of disease later in life, including osteoporosis. In this study, we assessed whether gestational jet lag in mice reduces bone mass postnatally.<p class...

ba0002p76 | (1) | ICCBH2013

Final height and bone health in young adults, transplanted in childhood

Dyck Maria Van , Herman Jean , Lombaerts Rita

: This study analyses the long-term effect of rhGH on final height (FH) and bone health in renal transplanted patients.Twenty-one young adult patients, aged 17–26 years, were studied. Group A consisted of 15 patients (12 boys) who received rhGH during 3.0 years before transplantation. After transplantation three boys needed rhGH again for 3.5 years. In group B six patients (three boys) didn’t need rhGH before transplantation, three girls receiv...

ba0001pp157 | Cancer and bone: basic, translational and clinical | ECTS2013

Bone metastatic prostate cancer cells regulate their growth via impairing osteoblast differentiation

van Driel Marjolein , Robbesom Iris , Koster Ruben , Boers-Sijmons Bianca , Chiba Hideki , van Leeuwen Hans

Metastases to the bone are the incurable final outcomes of cancer, reducing both length and quality of life in an aggressive way. Despite the discoveries of many factors involved, no cure has been found. Metastatic outgrow starts in interaction with the bone micro-environment. The first attachment in bone is with the osteoblasts lining the endosteal surface. Our aim is to study the role of the osteoblasts in metastatic tumor spread and growth.We used an ...

ba0002p67 | (1) | ICCBH2013

Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in predicting clinical bone disease in adults with childhood onset end-stage renal disease

van Huis Maike , Vogelzang Judith , van der Lee Hanneke , Boot Annemieke , Groothoff Jaap

Objectives: Metabolic bone disease is a frequent complication of end-stage renal disease, characterised by a decreased bone mineral density, which can be measured with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Its validity as a marker for clinical bone disease and increased fracture risk has never been established in adults with pediatric onset of end-stage renal disease (1–3). Adult survivors of pediatric end stage renal disease have very low bone mineral density and small statu...

ba0003pp190 | Genetics | ECTS2014

Premature aging of bone is delayed by dietary restriction

van der Eerden Bram , Botter Sander , Reiling Erwin , Hoeijmakers Jan , Dolle Martijn , van Leeuwen Johannes

Loss of genomic maintenance contributes to aging, as exemplified by mutations in Ercc DNA repair proteins that lead to a plethora of progeroid syndromes of which some display accelerated bone loss. It is generally accepted that dietary restriction (DR) increases life span and improves organ function. We therefore assessed the impact of DR on life span and bone mass in WT and bona fide prematurely aging hypomorphic Ercc-deficient mice (Ercc1−/Δ).<...