Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences on calcified tissues

ba0002oc28 | Chronic diseases | ICCBH2013

Bone mineral density at diagnosis determines fracture rate in children-treated according to the DCOG-ALL9 protocol

te Winkel Mariel Lizet , Pieters Rob , Hop Wim C J , Roos Jan C , van der Sluis Inge M , Bokkerink Jos P M , Leeuw Jan A , Bruin Marrie C A , Kollen Wouter J W , Veerman Anjo J P , de Groot-Kruseman Hester A , van den Heuvel-Eibrink Marry M

Objectives: To elucidate the incidence and risk factors of skeletal toxicity in children with ALL treated with the dexamethasone-based DCOG-ALL9 protocol.Methods: Prospectively, the cumulative incidence of fractures was assessed in 672 patients and compared between different subgroups using the log-rank test. Serial measurements of bone mineral density of the lumbar spine (BMDLS) were performed in 399 ALL patients using dual energy X-ray absor...

ba0007p172 | (1) | ICCBH2019

Cow's milk allergic infants on amino acid-based medical nutrition formula maintain adequate serum concentrations of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium despite the use of acid-suppressive medication

Harvey Bryan M , Eussen Simone RBM , Helvoort Ardy van , Harthoorn Lucien F

Objectives: We recently demonstrated that cow’s milk allergic infants who received an amino acid-based formula (AAF) for 16 weeks as oral feeding had adequate mineral status (1). One factor that may negatively affect mineral solubility and bioavailability and hence mineral status, is high gastric pH (2), but data on this in infants are lacking. Therefore, the present study evaluates serum concentrations of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium in a subgroup of infants on AAF ...

ba0004p150 | (1) | ICCBH2015

Impaired bone mineral density in adult survivors of childhood cancer: a literature review

Pluijm Saskia , Marissa den Hoed , Neggers Sebastian , Pieters Rob , den Heuvel-Eibrink Marryvan

Objectives: impairment of bone mineral density (BMD) is a complication of childhood cancer treatment. A comprehensive review on the occurrence of impaired BMD in childhood cancer survivors (CCS), and which disease subgroups are at risk has never been pursued so far. The aim of this study was to summarize all knowledge on BMD status and associated determinants in long-term adult childhood cancer survivors (CCS) based on available literature.Methods: an el...

ba0006is11 | (1) (1) | ICCBH2017


van Leeuwen Hans

Abstract not submitted...

ba0001pp206 | Cell biology: osteoblasts and bone formation | ECTS2013

Serum sclerostin does not reflect its expression in bone, but is related to bone mineral density

Bravenboer Nathalie , Visser Ruben , den Heijer Martin , Heijboer Annemieke

Sclerostin is a major negative regulator of osteoblastic activity. Serum sclerostin has a weak positive association with BMD but contradictory results have been described concerning associations with fractures. These contradictions could be explained by the fact that serum sclerostin does not reflect its action in bone. In this study we question whether serum sclerostin is associated with its expression in bone. In addition we aimed to detect associations between sclerostin in...

ba0002p71 | (1) | ICCBH2013

The microarchitecture of bone in osteochondromas

Staal Heleen , van Rietbergen Bert , van Rhijn Lodewijk

Introduction: Hereditary multiple osteochondromas (HMO) is characterized by the outward growth of cartilage-capped bone tumors. Osteochondromas contain a bone marrow cavity continuous with the normal bone cavity. Because of their off-axis position, osteochondromas are expected to carry less load than normal bone tissue. According to Wolff’s law, we therefore hypothesized that osteochondromas would have a less developed, osteoporotic-like microstructure. To test this hypot...

ba0005s5.2 | Molecular Clocks | ECTS2016

Good times, bad times: (patho)physiology of diurnal rhythms

van der Horst Gijsbertus (Bert)

Like most organisms, we have developed an internal time keeping system that drives daily rhythms in metabolism, physiology and behavior, and allows us to optimally anticipate to the momentum of the day. At the basis of circadian timekeeping lies an intracellular molecular oscillator in which a set of clock genes cyclically regulate their own expression with an approximate (circa) 24-hour (dies) periodicity. The mammalian circadian system consists of a light-entrainable master ...

ba0005p390 | Osteoporosis: treatment | ECTS2016

Denosumab therapy results in a high frequency of responders by bone mineral density in both treatment-naïve patients and patients switching therapies

Almohaya Mohammed , Liu Angela , Kendler David

Clinical trials suggest that denosumab (DEN) therapy results in greater increases in bone mineral density (BMD) in treatment-naive patients than in patients switched from bisphosphonates.We retrospectively reviewed charts of all patients treated with DEN at an osteoporosis referral centre in Vancouver, Canada including all patients treated with DEN 60 mg SC every 6 months for 1 year or more, and in whom baseline and follow-up BMDs were available. BMD was...

ba0001pp382 | Osteoporosis: pathophysiology and epidemiology | ECTS2013

The relationship between cardiovascular risk and bone mineral density: an important role for anthropometry

de Jongh Renate , Jameson Karen , Syddall Holly , Sayer Avan , den Heijer Martin , Cooper Cyrus , Dennison Elaine

Introduction: Cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis have often been reported to coexist in older people. However, the literature is conflicting regarding size and indeed direction of the association. The aim of the present study was therefore to assess associations between the Framingham general cardiovascular risk score and bone characteristics in a cohort of older adults.Methods: We studied 374 men and 379 women, born 1931–1939, who participated...