Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences on calcified tissues

ba0002oc5 | Epidemiology | ICCBH2013

Novel musculoskeletal phenotypes during childhood for epidemiological studies

Batra Rajbir N , Harvey Nicholas C , Cole Zoe A , Taylor Pat , Cooper Cyrus C , Javaid M Kassim , The Southampton Women's Survey Study Group

Objectives: Bone, muscle and fat share common mesenchymal origins yet current methods separately examine lean, fat and/or bone content. We hypothesized specific musculoskeletal phenotypes derived from relative contributions of each tissue.Methods: Design: We obtained information from the 6-year follow-up of mother–offspring pairs within the Southampton Women’s Survey, a prospective population-based cohort study of 12 583 initially non-pregnant ...

ba0002oc7 | Biology | ICCBH2013

The PPP6R3/LRP5 locus influences lean mass in children of different ethnic background and highlights pleiotropic effects and muscle–bone interactions

Medina-Gomez Carolina , Heppe Denise , Estrada Karol , Hofman Albert , Hsu Yi-Hsiang , Karasik David , Jaddoe Vincent , Zillikens M Carola , Uitterlinden Andre G , Rivadeneira Fernando

Aim: Lean and bone mass have considerably high phenotypic and genetic correlations with a shared heritability estimate ranging between 30 and 40% in adults. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) on total body lean mass and a bivariate GWAS on lean mass and BMD were ran in a cohort of children to identify genes with pleiotropic effects on muscle mass and peak bone mass attainment.Methods: Subjects are part of the Generation R study, a prospective multiet...

ba0002oc21 | Miscellaneous | ICCBH2013

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of alendronate treatment for fibrous dysplasia of bone

Boyce Alison M , Kelly Marilyn H , Brillante Beth A , Kushner Harvey , Wientroub Shlomo , Riminucci Mara , Bianco Paolo , Robey Pamela G , Collins Michael T

Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is a benign skeletal disease caused by activating mutations of Gsα. These mutations lead to formation of abnormal and mechanically unsound bone and fibrotic tissue. Clinical sequelae include deformity, fracture, and pain. Studies in bisphosphonates have shown improvement in bone pain and inconsistent effects on FD mineralization; however interpretation has been limited by a lack of controlled trials.Objecti...

ba0002p18 | (1) | ICCBH2013

Influence of anthropometric parameters on assessment of paediatric bone mineral density and bone mineral content

Hangartner Thomas N , Short David F , Gilsanz Vicente , Kalkwarf Heidi J , Lappe Joan M , Oberfield Sharon , Shepherd John A , Zemel Babette S , Winer Karen

Objectives: Creation of reference curves for areal bone mineral density (aBMD) and bone mineral content (BMC) with consideration of relevant anthropometric variables.Methods: Analysis of the dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) data collected as part of the Bone Mineral Density in Childhood Study1, including 2012 boys and girls, 5–22 years old, with a total of 10 525 visits, resulting in aBMD and BMC observations at the lumbar spine, hi...

ba0002p70 | (1) | ICCBH2013

Isolated bilateral zeugo-autopodal segments agenesis of the lower limb: unusual malformation case report

Christiaens Antoine , Deprez Pierre M L , Mendola Antonella , Bernard Pierre , Gillerot Yves , Clapuyt Philippe , Lengele Benoit G , Vikkula Miikka , Nyssen-Behets Catherine

: Congenital limb abnormalities represent a prevalence of 0.79/1000 of live births in Massachusetts1. A better understanding of their physiopathology could improve the management of the patients. We report on a 23 weeks female fetus affected by an isolated bilateral terminal transverse defect of the lower limbs with nubbins. Both familial history and chromosomal analyses were irrelevant. We performed a deep morphological examination of the fetus in comparison with a...

ba0002p111 | (1) | ICCBH2013

Vitamin D status and association to bone health in 781 healthy 8–11 years old Danish school children: preliminary results from the Opus school meal study

Petersen R A , Damsgaard C T , Dalskov S , Sorensen L B , Laursen R P , Hjorth M F , Andersen R , Tetens I , Krarup H , Astrup A , Michaelsen K F , Molgaard C

Background: Low vitamin D concentrations among children and adolescents at northern latitudes are frequently observed. Also, inverse associations between 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) and PTH concentrations have been found in children of different ages. More studies on the link between vitamin D status and childhood bone health are needed.Objective: To evaluate the status of serum 25(OH)D in autumn and the association between 25(OH)D concentrations and b...

ba0003pp187 | Genetics | ECTS2014

A novel mutation in IFITM5, encoding BRIL, impairs osteoblast production of PEDF and causes atypical type VI osteogenesis imperfecta

Reich Adi , Farber Charles R , Barnes Aileen M , Becerra Patricia , Rauch Frank , Cabral Wayne A , Bae Alison , Glorieux Francis H , Clemens Thomas L , Marini Joan C

Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) type V is caused by a unique dominant mutation (c.−14C>T) in IFITM5, which encodes BRIL, a transmembrane ifitm-like protein most strongly expressed in osteoblasts, while type VI OI is caused by recessive null mutations in SERPINF1, encoding pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF). We identified a 25-year-old woman with severe OI, whose dermal fibroblasts and cultured osteoblasts displayed minimal secretion of PEDF, but ...