Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences on calcified tissues

ba0006is20biog | (1) (1) | ICCBH2017

Canonical Wnt signaling in bone health and disease

Van Hul Wim

Biographical DetailsWim Van HulWim Van Hul is full professor of Molecular biology and genetics at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. He obtained a bachelor degree in Chemistry from the University of Louvain (Belgium) and a master degree in biochemistry. He obtained his PhD on molecular genetics in 1993 from the University of Antwerp. He started his...

ba0004op6 | (1) | ICCBH2015

Genetic variation is involved in impairment of bone mineral density in long-term adult survivors of childhood cancer

den Hoed M A H , Pluijm S M F , Stolk L , Uiterlinden A G , Pieters R , van den Heuvel-Eibrink M M

Introduction: Despite similarities in upfront treatment, impairment of bone mineral density(BMD) varies in long-term adult survivors of childhood cancer (CCS). We studied for the first time whether genetic variation is involved in impairment of BMD in adult long-term CCS.Method: This cross-sectional single-center cohort study included 334 adult CCS (median follow-up time: 15.2 years (range 5.1–39.8); median age at follow-up: 26.1 years (range 18.1&#...

ba0006is11biog | (1) (1) | ICCBH2017


van Leeuwen Hans

Biographical DetailsHans van LeeuwenHans (J.P.T.M.) van Leeuwen studied biology in Amsterdam, and did his PhD study on the mechanism of action of PTH in Leiden, The Netherlands. Currently he is professor at the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, leading the research program on Calcium and Bone Metabolism. Main research ...

ba0006is20 | (1) (1) | ICCBH2017

Canonical Wnt signaling in bone health and disease

Van Hul Wim

About two decades ago, evidence was generated that canonical Wnt signaling plays an important role in bone accrual mainly based on the identification of mutations in genes from the Wnt pathway resulting in extremely low or high bone mass. Since then, it became clear that genetic variation in a lot of genes from this pathway have an influence on bone mass both in a number of skeletal dysplasias as well as in the general population. This is the case for a number of wnt ligands (...

ba0002oc17 | Diagnostics | ICCBH2013

Determinants of bone mineral density in long-term adult survivors of childhood cancer

Klap B C , te Winkel M L , den Hoed M , van Waas M , Neggers S J C M M , Boot A M , Pieters R , Pluijm S M F , van den Heuvel-Eibrink M M

Objectives: Osteopenia is a complication of childhood cancer treatment but it is unknown to which extend this occurs in adult survivors, and which subgroups are at risk. We examined bone mineral density (BMD) and assed the relative importance of potential determinants of low BMD in very long-term adult survivors of childhood cancer.Methods: The single-center cohort study included 410 adult CCSs (median age at diagnosis: 6.6 years (range: 0–17 years)...

ba0004p193 | (1) | ICCBH2015

Aggravated bone density decline following symptomatic osteonecrosis in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia

den Hoed MAH , SMF Pluijm , de Groot-Kruseman HA , Fiocco M , Hoogerbrugge P , JA Leeuw , MCA Bruin , van der Sluis IM , Bresters D , MH Lequin , JC Roos , AJP Veerman , Pieters R , van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM

Objectives: Osteonecrosis (ON) and decline of bone mineral density (BMD) are serious side effects during and after treatment of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). It is unknown whether ON and low BMD co-occur in the same patients, and whether these two osteogenic side-effects can mutually influence each other’s development.Methods: BMD and the incidence of symptomatic ON were prospectively assessed in a national cohort of 466 patients wit...

ba0002p107 | (1) | ICCBH2013

Bone cross-sectional geometry and volumetric density at the distal radius in female adolescents with anorexia nervosa

Roggen Inge , Vanbesien Jesse , Gies Inge , Van den Eede Ursula , Lampo Annik , Louis Olivia , De Schepper Jean

Introduction: Osteopenia is a well-known complication of anorexia nervosa (AN) in older adolescents and adults, especially in those with a long duration of the disease and a severe underweight.Aim: We investigated whether young premenarchal girls with AN have similar risk factors for a disturbed bone growth and mineralization.Methods: Twenty-four female premenarchal AN patients as well as 24 age and height matched female controls u...

ba0005p431 | Other diseases of bone and mineral metabolism | ECTS2016

Bisphosphonate therapy in Langerhans cell histiocytosis: an international retrospective descriptive study

Chellapandian Deepak , Makras Polyzois , Kaltsas Gregory , van den Bos Cor , Carret Anne-Sophie , Weitzman Sheila , Egeler Maarten , Abla Oussama

Introduction: Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a monoclonal disorder characterized by proliferation and accumulation of atypical Langerhans cells. Bone involvement is particularly destructive and to date, no standard of care exists. Bisphosphonates are osteoclast inhibitors that could target the multinucleated giant cells within the LCH lesions and might be used to alleviate bone pain and the progression of disease.Objective: To evaluate the effica...

ba0003ht5 | (1) | ECTS2014

Skin inflammation causes bone loss with reduced bone formation through systemic IL-17A release

Uluckan Ozge , Keller Johannes , Karbach Susanne , Croxford Andrew , Finzel Stephanie , Koenders Marije , Berg Wim Van Den , Amling Michael , Waisman Ari , Schett Georg , Wagner Erwin

Patients with chronic inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis are at high risk for developing osteoporosis. Psoriatic arthritis patients exhibit bone loss caused by increased bone resorption through activation of osteoclasts. However, it is not clear whether psoriasis can lead to bone loss in the absence of arthritis. Using mouse models with skin inflammation as well as psoriasis patient samples, we show that increased circulating IL-17A from the inflamed skin triggers bone lo...

ba0001pp210 | Cell biology: osteoblasts and bone formation | ECTS2013

Open source software for semi-automated histomorphometry of bone resorption and formation parameters

van 't Hof Rob , Rose Lorraine , Daroszewska Anna

Histomorphometric analysis is an essential technique to measure bone formation and resorption parameters. Here we present three novel open source image analysis packages that allow the rapid semi-automated analysis of histomorphometric bone resorption, osteoid, and calcein double labelling parameters.Mice were injected with calcein 5 and 2 days before killing. Tibia and vertebrae were fixed in formalin, embedded in methylmethacrylate and the blocks secti...