Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences on calcified tissues

ba0005ni1 | Abstract Presentations | ECTS2016

Rictor plays a critical role in bone mass and strength with the involvement of Mtorc2 pathway in osteoblasts

Liu Dong-mei , Zhao Lin , Liu Ting-ting , Jiao Pei-lin , Zhao Dian-dian , Shi Mei-Shu , Tao Bei , Sun Li-hao , Zhao Hong-Yan , Liu Jian-min

Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) functions mainly in the form of two complexes, namely mTORC1 and mTORC2, which are distinct in their unique components, raptor and rictor. Here, we focused on bone phenotypes in mice with a specific deletion of rictor using a Cre recombinase gene whose expression was driven by the promoter of osteocalcin. All procedures involving mice were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the local admin. DXA analysis showed a ...

ba0005p51 | Bone development/growth and fracture repair | ECTS2016

Rictor plays a critical role in bone mass and strength with the involvement of mtorc2 pathway in osteoblasts

Liu Dong-mei , Zhao Lin , Liu Ting-ting , Jiao Pei-lin , Zhao Dian-dian , Shi Mei-Shu , Tao Bei , Sun Li-hao , Zhao Hong-yan , Liu Jian-min

Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) functions mainly in the form of two complexes, namely mTORC1 and mTORC2, which are distinct in their unique components, raptor and rictor. Here, we focused on bone phenotypes in mice with a specific deletion of rictor using a Cre recombinase gene whose expression was driven by the promoter of osteocalcin. All procedures involving mice were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the local admin. DXA analysis showed a ...

ba0005p263 | Muscle, physical activity and bone | ECTS2016

Vitamin D level and hand grip strength as risk factors of actual fall in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis

Yang Jae-Ho , Kim Tae-Hyun , Hong Seong-Hwan , Kim Ji-Hye , Kang Young-Mi , Suk Kyung-Soo , Kim Hak-Sun , Moon Seong-Hwan , Lee Hwan-Mo

Study design: Prospective study.Objectives: The risk factors correlated with actual falls were assessed in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis.Materials and methods: In 201 patients (M:F 65:136) with symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis, falls history within recent one year was investigated. The factors which were expected correlation with actual falls were evaluated together. Blood chemistry was performed to evaluate serum Vitamin ...

ba0005p481 | Paediatric bone disease | ECTS2016

Mutation update and short-term outcome after treatment with active vitamin D3 in Chinese patients with pseudo-vitamin D-deficiency rickets

Chi Yue , Sun Jing , Pang Li , Jiajue Ruizhi , Jiang Yan , Wang Ou , Li Mei , Xing Xiaoping , Hu Yingying , Zhou Xueying , Meng Xunwu , Xia Weibo

Pseudovitamin D-deficiency rickets (PDDR) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder resulting from a defect in renal 25-hydroxyvitamin D 1α-hydroxylase, which is encoded by the CYP27B1 gene. To our best knowledge, 48 mutations of the CYP27B1 gene have been identified so far. In the present study, we investigated CYP27B1 mutations in seven individuals from six separate families and identified nine different mutations: two novel missense mutations (G194R, R259L), three novel a...

ba0005oc4.6 | Catabolism and metabolism | ECTS2016

The myokine Irisin improves bone quality and strength

Colaianni Graziana , Cuscito Concetta , Mongelli Teresa , Pignataro Paolo , Liu Peng , Lu Ping , Mori Giorgio , Brunetti Giacomina , Yuen Tony , Sun Li , Reseland Janne , Colucci Silvia , Zaidi Mone , Cinti Saverio , Grano Maria

Irisin is a hormone-like myokine secreted from skeletal muscle in response to exercise. Considering that an intimate relationship between skeletal muscle and bone has been well established and that physical exercise physiologically stimulates the skeleton strengthening, we explored the involvement of Irisin on bone metabolism.Our findings demonstrated that the myokine Irisin improves cortical bone mass and geometry in vivo, supporting the idea t...

ba0001pp126 | Calciotropic and phosphotropic hormones and mineral metabolism | ECTS2013

Vitamin D: light side and best time of sunshine in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Alshahrani Fahad , Almalki Mussa , Aljohani Naji , Alzahrani Abdullah , Alsaleh Yossef , Holick Michel

Low levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D have been documented among inhabitants of the wider Middle East and North African countries. Sunlight has long been recognized as a major provider of vitamin D. In this study we aimed to determine the optimum time for sun exposure in the Central region of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Ampoules containing 7-dehydrocholesterol in ethanol were exposed to sunlight every hour starting from sunrise until sunset in July and December. Our results demonstrated...

ba0001pp357 | Osteoporosis: pathophysiology and epidemiology | ECTS2013

The prevalence of osteoporosis and risk factors for bone demineralization in Italy: first results from the firmo study

Fossi Caterina , Cavalli Loredana , Giusti Francesca , Metozzi Alessia , Parri Simone , Guazzini Andrea , Maria Luisa Brandi

Objective(s): We aimed to determine the prevalence of osteoporosis and risk factors for bone demineralization in the Italian population.Material and methods: 3090 consecutive subjects were screened for osteoporosis by using calcaneal quantitative ultrasounds (QUS) in 16 Italian cities (women: 2635; men: 455) during the extension of the FIRMO study carried out in 2011 on about 7000 people. Anamnestic data were collected to assess the presence of recognize...

ba0002p20 | (1) | ICCBH2013

Assessment of vitamin D nutrition status and dietary calcium intake in children 2–5 years of age

Kureel Priyanka , Seth Anju , Singh Ritu , Marwah R K , Aneja Satvinder

Objectives: To assess the vitamin D nutrition status of healthy children in the age group 2–5 years and to assess the daily dietary calcium intake of these children.Methods: A total of 100 healthy children (age group 2–5 years) were studied in this cross sectional study. Dietary calcium and energy intake was estimated using 24 h dietary recall method. Average sun exposure over last 3 days was assessed by calculating u.v. score. Biochemical para...

ba0003pp415 | Steroid hormones and receptors | ECTS2014

Vitamin D deficiency and prevention; what is the position of European Calcified Tissue Society?

Adami Silvano , Bischoff-Ferrari Heike , Bouillon Roger , Cashman Kevin , Fuleihan Ghada El-Hajj , Lamberg-Allardt Christel , Obermayer-Pietsch Barbara , Lips Paul

Vitamin D deficiency is common within Europe and the Middle East, especially in risk groups. While treatment is simple, there is no consensus on the diagnostic threshold for deficiency and the required dose. The Institute of Medicine and the Endocrine Society have established guidelines on the required 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) levels, supplementation doses and (extra)skeletal effects of vitamin D, coming to very different conclusions. The European Calcified Tissue Society...

ba0004p140 | (1) | ICCBH2015

Rickets in two patients pediatrics

de Beldjenna Liliana Mejia , Lammoglia Juan Javier , Rengifo Anuar

The Rickets is a disease which disturbs normal bone formation through different methods, like vitamin D deficiency, malabsorption, chronic renal disease, metaphisary dysplasia, low phosphorus and resistant rickets.The peak age at which rickets is most prevalent is usually 3–18 months, and the characteristic clinical features of this metabolic bone disease include enlargement of the epiphyses of the long bones and rib cage, bowing of the legs, bendin...