Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences on calcified tissues

ba0003pp159 | Cell biology: osteoclasts and bone resorption | ECTS2014

Arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid inhibits osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption in human CD14+ monocytes, in vitro

Kasonga Abe , Kruger Marlena , Coetzee Magdalena

The mature human skeleton is a metabolically active organ that is continuously resorbed and rebuilt by osteoclasts and osteoblasts. Dietary supplementation of selected long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) has shown effects on bone turnover. Most research on LCPUFAs has been done using commercially available cell lines and further clarification of the cellular effects on models relevant to humans is required. After ethical approval, peripheral blood was collected fr...

ba0001pp52 | Bone biomechanics and quality | ECTS2013

Bone morphometry from human peripheral quantitative computer tomography scans is preserved by virtual high-resolution image reconstruction

Schulte Friederike , Badilatti Sandro , Parkinson Ian , Goldhahn Jorg , Muller Ralph

Peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) is receiving considerable attention in the diagnosis and monitoring of human bone diseases. It is well accepted that lower image resolution compared to micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) affects bone morphometry. With advances in micro-CT evaluation techniques such as sample-specific remodeling simulations or dynamic bone morphometry, there is the potential to also allow the application of such techniques to clinical pQCT sc...

ba0005oc1.1 | Clinical trials and osteoporosis treatment | ECTS2016

Efficacy of odanacatib in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis: subgroup analyses of data from the phase 3 long-term odanacatib fracture trial (LOFT)

Saag Kenneth G , Alexandersen Peter , Benhamou Claude-Laurent , Gilchrist Nigel , Halse Johan , Michael Lewiecki E. , Lippuner Kurt , McClung Michael , Shiraki Masataka , DaSilva Carolyn A , Verbruggen Nadia , Scott Boyd B , Lombardi Antonio

Odanacatib (ODN), a selective oral inhibitor of cathepsin K, is in development for the treatment of osteoporosis. In the primary efficacy analysis of the Phase 3, Long-Term ODN Fracture Trial (LOFT; NCT00529373), ODN significantly reduced fracture risk compared with placebo in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Pre-specified subgroup analyses evaluated the efficacy of ODN in patient subgroups.Women aged ≥65 years, without baseline radiographic...

ba0005p483 | Paediatric bone disease | ECTS2016

Loss of type I collagen telopeptide lysyl hydroxylation causes musculoskeletal abnormalities in a zebrafish model of Bruck syndrome

Willaert Andy , Ghistelinck Charlotte , Witten P Eckhard , Huysseune Ann , Simoens Pascal , Symoens Sofie , Malfait Fransiska , De Muynck Amelie , De Paepe Anne , Kwon Ronald Y , Weiss Mary Ann , Eyre David E , Coucke Paul

Bruck syndrome, a disorder caused by bi-allelic mutations in either PLOD2 or FKBP10, is characterized by flexion contractures and bone fractures and shows strong clinical overlap with the brittle bone disease Osteogenesis Imperfecta. PLOD2 encodes the Lysyl hydroxylase 2 (LH2) enzyme, which is responsible for the hydroxylation of lysine residues in the type-I collagen telopeptides. This hydroxylation directs cross-linking of the collagen fibrils in t...

ba0003pp413 | Steroid hormones and receptors | ECTS2014

Chondroitin sulfate chains are co-receptors for interleukin- 34

Heymann Dominique , Segaliny Aude , Brion Regis , Maillasson Mike , Mortier Erwan , Jacques Yannick , Goff Benoit Le

Interleukin- 34 (IL34) is a new, challenging cytokine discovered in 2008. It promotes the proliferation, survival and differentiation of the monocyte/macrophage lineage with almost the same efficiency as the macrophage-colony stimulating factor (M-CSF). IL34 has already been described to play a key role in various musculoskeletal bone diseases such as bone giant cell tumors or in rheumatoid arthritis. These ‘twin’ cytokines share a lot of functional similarities whic...

ba0002p22 | (1) | ICCBH2013

Association of volumetric bone mineral density, bone morphometry and trabecular bone micro-architecture with leptin and soluble leptin receptor in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

Tam Elisa M S , Yu Fiona W P , Hung Vivian W Y , Liu Zhen , Lam Tsz-Ping , Liu King Lok , Ng Bobby K W , Lee Simon K M , Qiu Yong , Cheng Jack C Y

Objectives: Low bone mass in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) has been well reported, however the etiologies of the disease and this abnormal phenotype were still unknown. Leptin have profound effects on bone metabolism and skeletal growth, and was speculated to play a role in the etiopathogenesis of AIS. The objective of this study was to investigate the bone quality in AIS and its association with leptin and soluble leptin receptor (sOB-R).Methods...

ba0004p60 | (1) | ICCBH2015

Comparing two scanning protocols for high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography for bone quality assessment in young subjects

Cheuk Ka Yee , Zhang Jiajun , Tsang Echo , Yu Fiona , Hung Vivian , Tam Elisa M S , Lam Tsz Ping , Lee Simon K M , Ng Bobby K W , Cheng Jack C Y

Objectives: High resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT) was used to evaluate bone quality and volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD). However, manufacturers only provide a standard protocol for adult but not for growing subjects. The aim of this study was to investigate the difference on measurement between two different HR-pQCT scanning protocols in adolescence with unfused growth plate.Methods: 27 boys and 26 girls aged 13&#15...

ba0001pp61 | Bone development/growth and fracture repair | ECTS2013

Vascularisation and progenitor cells of primary and secondary ossification centres in the human growth plate

Walzer Sonja M , Cetin Erdal , Grubl-Barabas Ruth , Sulzbacher Irene , Ruger Beate , Girsch Werner , Windhager Reinhard , Fischer Michael B

The switch from a cartilage template to bone during endochondralossification of the growth plate requires dynamic and close interaction between the cartilage and the developing vascular structures. Vascular invasion of hypertrophic cartilage, with blood vessels coming from the bone collar, serves to bring in osteoblast- andendothelial precursor cells along with chondroclasts and their precursors into future ossification centres of the growth plate.Potent...

ba0001pp294 | Muscle, physical activity and bone | ECTS2013

Influence of mechanical loading and skeleton geometry in bone mass at the proximal femur in 10–12 years old children: a longitudinal study

Cardadeiro Graca , Baptista Fatima , Rosati Nicolleta , Zymbal Vera , Rebocho Lurdes , Bruno Paula M , Janz Kathleen F , Sardinha Luis B

Using a longitudinal observational study with two evaluations and a 1 year follow-up interval, we investigated the influence of everyday physical activity (PA) and skeletal geometry in bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mass distribution at the proximal femur (PF) in 96 girls and 81 boys (10–12 years). Whole body and left hip DXA scans were used to derive geometric measures of the pelvis (inter acetabular distance – IAD) and PF (abductor lever arm – ALA). BMD w...