ba0003pp108 | Cell biology: osteoblasts and bone formation | ECTS2014
Koivunen Jarkko
, Kemppainen Antti
, Haronen Heli
, Finnila Mikko
, Miinalainen Ilkka
, Heikkinen Anne
, Sormunen Raija
, Pihlajaniemi Taina
Collagen XIII is a conserved transmembrane collagen with wide distribution in various tissues. It can be enzymatically cleaved to form a soluble bioactive molecule with relevance to cell proliferation, migration and adhesion. Collagen XIII overexpression in mice causes a massive bone overgrowth with no defects in early skeletal development. The bone phenotype of Col13a1OE mice is most apparent in long tubular bones but also present in calvariae. Our findings show th...