Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences on calcified tissues

ba0001pp95 | Bone development/growth and fracture repair | ECTS2013

Osteometric parameters of mature rats mandible molars at implantation in the tibia of biogenic hydroxyapatite

Vladislav Luzin , Vitali Morozov , Helen Morozova

Traumatic injuries of the bones of various etiologies are accompanied not only a violation of their integrity, but also the development of a system osteopenic syndrome, which causes disorder neurohumoral regulation of the organism and has a negative effect on the structural and functional state of the skeletal tissues of other parts of the skeleton. The information concerning the characteristics of changes in the parameters of growth of molars of the mandible in the literature...

ba0002p7 | (1) | ICCBH2013

Osteometric parameters of mature rats mandible molars when implanted in the tibia biogenic hydroxyapatite, saturated with iron

Vladislav Luzin , Vitaly Morozov , Helen Morozova

Objectives: The aim of the study was to examine experimentally the possibility smoothing of adverse effects of «fracture syndrome» in the parameters of the growth of the molar row of the mandible with implant in the proximal tibial shaft biogenic hydroxyapatite, saturated with iron at concentrations of 0.05, 0.15 and 0.50%.Methods: For the experiment were collected 168 white mature male rats were divided into four groups: 1st group, animals tha...

ba0001pp96 | Bone development/growth and fracture repair | ECTS2013

Macroelements composition of the dentin in rat's mandibular incisors with implanted biogenic hydroxyapatite into the tibia

Vladyslav Luzin , Vitaly Morozov , Dmitry Astrakhantsev , Pavel Golubkov , Marina Sokol

Objectives: The aim of the study was to establish features of macroelemental composition of the dentin in mature male rat’s mandibular incisors with biogenic hydroxyapatite, implanted in the proximal part of tibial shaft.Material and methods: One hundred and twenty-six mature male rats were divided into three groups: 1st group – intact animals, 2nd group – animals with the pit defect applied on the proximal part of tibial shaft (systematic...

ba0005p344 | Osteoporosis: pathophysiology and epidemiology | ECTS2016

Ultrastructure of the hipbone biomineral in white rats with defect of the tibia after 60-day administration of sodium benzoate

Lukyantseva Galyna , Luzin Vladyslav , Bybyk Valery , Morozov Vitaly

Objectives: This study thus was aimed at investigating of ultrastructure of the hipbone biomineral in rats with defect in tibia after 60-day per os administration of sodium benzoate (SB) in various concentrations and mexidol (M).Methods: The experiment involved 280 male thoroughbred rats with initial body weight of 200–210 g. The 1st group (K) comprised animals that received daily per os 1 ml of 0.9% solution of NaCl, the 2nd and t...

ba0002p73 | (1) | ICCBH2013

Histomorphometric parameters of the alveolar ridges of the mandible in immature rats after thymectomy

Luzin V , Kochubey A , Morozov V

Aim: Study the features changes of histomorphometric parameters of alveolar ridges in immature rats after thymectomy.Methods: The study was conducted on 120 immature male rats were divided into two groups: 1st group – sham-operated animals, 2nd group – rats with removed of the thymus under mask ether anesthesia (thymectomy). Periods of observation were 7, 15, 30, 90 and 180 days. Rats were euthanized under mask ether anesthesia. For histologica...

ba0001pp97 | Bone development/growth and fracture repair | ECTS2013

Organometric parameters of rat's bones under the effect of toluene vapor

Skorobogatov A , Luzin V , Morozov V , Shutov Ye

Objectives: The aim of this study was establish features changes of organometric parameters of bones in mature male rats after a 60-day inhalation seed toluene.Materials and methods: For the experiment were selected 60 mature male rats were divided into two groups: 1st – intact rats, 2nd group – the rats that every day for 2 months to device for inhalation agents received a one-time inhalation of toluene exposure 4 h in 10 maximum permissible c...

ba0001pp94 | Bone development/growth and fracture repair | ECTS2013

The healing of fracture of mandible against the chronic nitrate intoxication

Aveticov David , Kostenko Vitaly , Neporada Karine , Lokes Ekaterina , Stavickiy Stanislav

Damages of bones of facial skeleton lay down 8% from all damages, fractures of mandible are 85–90% from it. There are a lot of factors, that make worse the process of reparative regeneration of bone. Using of nitric fertilizers lead to heighten earning of nitric oxide into organism. It makes negative influence on reparative regeneration of bones.There are dates of research of 40 rats line Vistar in this article. The goal of this study was to examine...