Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences on calcified tissues

ba0001oc6.2 | Mineralisation and energy metabolism | ECTS2013

Deficiency of the bone mineralisation inhibitor NPP1 protects against obesity and diabetes

Huesa Carmen , Morton Nicholas M , Ferron Mathieu , Karsenty Gerard , Millan Jose Luis , Ahmed Faisal , Farquharson Colin , MacRae Vicky E

Bone has recently emerged as a novel endocrine organ regulating glucose metabolism. Ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase-1 (NPP1) controls bone mineralisation by generating the mineralisation inhibitor pyrophosphate. In clinical studies increased activity of NPP1 has been found in patients with insulin resistance, and it has been shown to directly inhibit the insulin receptor. We hypothesised that mice lacking NPP1 (Enpp1−/−) would exhibit im...

ba0001oc6.6 | Mineralisation and energy metabolism | ECTS2013

An emerging role of phospho1 in the regulation of energy metabolism

Oldknow Karla , Morton Nik Morton's , Yadav Manisha , Rajoanah Sophie , Huesa Carmen , Bunger Lutz , Ferron Mathieu , Karsenty Gerard , MacRae Vicky , Milan Jose Luis , Farquharson Colin

Genetic approaches to bone physiology utilising judicious gain and loss of function models have identified bone as an endocrine organ, being involved in the regulation of energy metabolism and reproduction. Recent advances expand our understanding and identify a new and unconventional role of bone beyond its classical functions. PHOSPHO1 is a bone specific phosphatase with a recognised role in bone mineralisation, but our present studies have now identified a novel role for PH...

ba0001pp114 | Calciotropic and phosphotropic hormones and mineral metabolism | ECTS2013

Pro-angiogenic and pro-survival functions of glucose in human mesenchymal stem cells upon transplantation

Deschepper Mickael , Paquet Joseph , Manassero Mathieu , Bensidhoum Morad , Oudina Karim , Logeart-Avramoglou Delphine , Petite Herve

A major limitation in the development of cellular therapies using human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) is cell survival post-transplantation. In this study, we challenged the current paradigm of hMSC survival, which assigned a pivotal role to oxygen, by testing the hypothesis that exogenous glucose may be key to hMSC survival. We demonstrated that hMSCs could endure sustained near-anoxia conditions only in the presence of glucose. In this in vitro cell model, the prot...

ba0001pp143 | Cancer and bone: basic, translational and clinical | ECTS2013

Bone remodelling in patients with an IgM monoclonal gammopathy (Waldenstrom disease – MGUS)

Chappard Daniel , Bouvard Beatrice , Royer Mathieu , Hoppe Emmanuel , Legrand Erick , Ifrah Norbert , Audran Maurice

An IgM monoclonal gammopathy (MGUS) is often the first sign of a lymphomonocytic B-lymphoma (Waldenström macroglobulinemia-WD). Osteolytic lesions can occur in B cell malignancies (WD, hairy cell leukemia, LLC\..) but are less frequent than in myeloma. In addition, bone remodeling in WD is poorly understood. However, an osteoporosis is often observed in MGUS patients. We studied a series of bone biopsies performed in patients with an IgM gammopathy by histomorphometry, mi...

ba0001pp471 | Other diseases of bone and mineral metabolism | ECTS2013

Long-term energy deficiency in mice induces bone alterations reversed by long-term recovery

Zgheib Sara , Lucas Stephanie , Mequinion Mathieu , Broux Odile , Leterme Damien , Hardouin Pierre , Viltart Odile , Chauveau Christophe

Anorexia nervosa (AN) a condition of profound undernutrition, is characterized by alterations in neuroendocrine and metabolic functions. Among the serious pathological consequences of this eating disorder, osteoporosis is often observed and persists after recovery, leading to a high fracture risk.To study particularly bone alterations and recovery, a long term mouse model has been developed. In this model named separation-based anorexia (SBA) – a ch...

ba0005p187 | Cell biology: osteoclasts and bone resorption | ECTS2016

Identification of CX3CR1 as the first known marker of inflammatory osteoclasts

Ibanez Lidia , Belaid Nourhene , Rouleau Matthieu , Wakkach Abdelilah , Blin-Wakkach Claudine

Existence of inflammatory osteoclasts (iOCLs) contributing to pathological bone resorption associated with inflammatory diseases has been suspected for many years. However, specific markers of iOCLs are lacking, making impossible to establish the contribution of iOCLs to such pathologies. Whereas in steady state OCLs derive from monocytes (MN-OCLs), in inflammatory conditions, they also differentiate from dendritic cells (DC-OCLs). We recently showed that these 2 OCL populatio...

ba0005ni6 | Abstract Presentations | ECTS2016

Multi-potency and immunosuppressive activity of mesenchymal stromal cells derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells

Roux Clemence , Saviane Gaelle , Pini Jonathan , Dihib Gihen , Nourhene Belhaid , Wakkach Abdel , Blin-Wakkach Claudine , Rouleau Matthieu

Tissue healing/reconstruction as well as exacerbated inflammatory diseases may benefit from stem cell based therapies. Ex vivo isolated tissue mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) displaying multi-potent activity and immune-regulatory functions were long ago proposed as therapeutic cells and already tested in many clinical assays. Nevertheless, their use may be restricted because of the few number that can be recovered from adult tissues, their limited in vitro e...

ba0005ni9 | Abstract Presentations | ECTS2016

Inflammatory conditions induces a new subset of osteoclasts that prime TNFα-producing CD4+ T cells

Ibanez Lidia , Abou-Ezzi Grazia , Ciucci Thomas , Amiot Vanessa , Mansour Anna , Roleau Matthieu , Wakkach Abdelilah , Blin-Wakkach Claudine

Chronic inflammatory diseases are characterized by a bone destruction mediated by an increased osteoclast (OCL) activity. OCLs are phagocytic cells arising from the myeloid lineage. Indeed, OCLs derive from monocytes (MN-OCLs) and, in an inflammatory context, they also derive from dendritic cells (DC-OCLs). Despite this origin, their role in the immune responses is still unclear. OCLs in steady state have been reported to act as antigen-presenting cells that activate CD8+...

ba0005p80 | Bone Marrow | ECTS2016

Multi-potency and immunosuppressive activity of mesenchymal stromal cells derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells

Roux Clemence , Saviane Gaelle , Pini Jonathan , Dihib Gihen , Nourhene Belhaid , Wakkach Abdel , Blin-Wakkach Claudine , Rouleau Matthieu

Tissue healing/reconstruction as well as exacerbated inflammatory diseases may benefit from stem cell based therapies. Ex vivo isolated tissue mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) displaying multi-potent activity and immune-regulatory functions were long ago proposed as therapeutic cells and already tested in many clinical assays. Nevertheless, their use may be restricted because of the few number that can be recovered from adult tissues, their limited in vitro e...

ba0005p186 | Cell biology: osteoclasts and bone resorption | ECTS2016

Inflammatory conditions induces a new subset of osteoclasts that prime TNFα-producing CD4+T cells

Ibanez Lidia , Abou-Ezzi Grazia , Ciucci Thomas , Amiot Vanessa , Mansour Anna , Roleau Matthieu , Wakkach Abdelilah , Blin-Wakkach Claudine

Chronic inflammatory diseases are characterized by a bone destruction mediated by an increased osteoclast (OCL) activity. OCLs are phagocytic cells arising from the myeloid lineage. Indeed, OCLs derive from monocytes (MN-OCLs) and, in an inflammatory context, they also derive from dendritic cells (DC-OCLs). Despite this origin, their role in the immune responses is still unclear. OCLs in steady state have been reported to act as antigen-presenting cells that activate CD8+ regu...