Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences on calcified tissues

ba0001ahp1.3 | (1) | ECTS2013

Treatment compliance in osteoporosis

Diez-Perez Adolfo

Compliance with prescribed drugs is poor in most chronic conditions and osteoporosis is no exception. Compliance integrates the concepts adherence (how much drug is taken) and persistence (for how long) and also if the patient follow the instructions for a correct use of the medication. Between 50 and 75% of patients initiating antiosteoporosis drugs are not taken the treatment 1 year later. Obviously, this problem significantly decreases the effect of drugs. A smaller increas...

ba0001w3.1 | Vertebral fractures | ECTS2013

Vertebral fracture

Diez-Perez Adolfo

Incidence of vertebral fractures in the EU has been estimated in 520 000 for the year 2010. Clinical vertebral fractures cause most of the impact in terms of morbidity, quality of life and economic burden. However, even the sub-clinical ones are not neutral in these aspects. Unlike hip fractures, their incidence is less dissimilar across Europe. Mortality in the first year after a vertebral fracture is higher than for hip fracture, especially in the younger age groups. Vertebr...

ba0001mtp9 | (1) | ECTS2013

Assessment of therapeutic response in osteoporosis

Diez-Perez Adolfo

No treatment for osteoporosis abolishes the risk of fracture. Even under the ‘ideal’ conditions of adherence and monitoring, in the controlled pivotal trials, a significant proportion of individuals receiving the active drug still suffer new fractures. In everyday practice the situation is even more challenging. Adherence to medication is poor, patients are often older than in trials, or suffer from a number of comorbidities that could have excluded them from the ori...

ba0003s5.2 | Anabolic treatment of osteoporosis | ECTS2014

Clinical use of anabolic drugs

Diez-Perez Adolfo

Anabolic drug (AD) options are currently limited to PTH analogs. With potent bone-forming effects, AD offer marked increases in BMD. However, the demonstration of their efficacy on fracture risk reduction was possibly limited by the early discontinuation of the pivotal trial for safety concerns. Therefore, their use must rely both in the available evidence as well as in the clinical judgment for the individual patient. Indeed, potential contraindications are the first step in ...

ba0001pp55 | Bone biomechanics and quality | ECTS2013

In vivo microindentation for the assessment of bone material level properties

Ammann Patrick , Guerri Roberto , Hansma Paul , Nogues Xavier , Diez-Perez Adolfo

A micro-indentation technology potentially allows in vivo investigation of intrinsic bone tissue quality, a determinant of bone fragility. Thus the signification of the parameters investigated is still unclear.Since protein malnutrition affects bone material level properties – geometry and strength – rats were fed a normal or an isocaloric low-protein diet. Both femurs were collected and measurements of geometry using micro CT, materia...

ba0001pp417 | Osteoporosis: treatment | ECTS2013

A case of atypical femoral fracture with abnormal cortical bone characterized by impaired mineralization and pyrophosphate accumulation

Shabestari Maziar , Eriksen Erik Fink , Roschger Paul , Paschalis Eleftherios , Diez-Perez Adolfo

Impaired bone material properties have been invoked as being responsible for the development of atypical femoral fractures (AFF) after long term bisphosphonate use. We therefore analyzed bone material properties in a bone biopsy obtained at the fracture site from an 88-year-old female with AFF, who had been treated with alendronate for 8 years. We used conventional histology, quantitative backscattered electron imaging (qBEI), and Raman spectroscopy (RS).<p class="abstext"...

ba0003oc2.4 | Osteoporosis epidemiology | ECTS2014

Are the high hip fracture rates among Norwegian women explained by impaired bone material properties?

Duarte-Sosa Daysi , Vilaplana Laila , Guerri Roberto , Nogues Xavier , Diez-Perez Adolfo , Eriksen Erik Fink

Hip+ fracture rate in Norway is the highest registered in World, and more than double that of Spanish women. Previous studies were unable to demonstrate significant differences between the two populations with respect to bone mass or calcium metabolism. In order to test, whether the difference in fracture propensity between both populations could be explained by differences in bone material quality we assessed bone material strength using microindentation in 41 Norwegian and 4...

ba0003pp21 | Bone biomechanics and quality | ECTS2014

Are the high hip fracture rates among norwegian women explained by impaired bone material properties?

Duarte-Sosa Daysi , Vilaplana Laila , Roberto Guerri , Nogues Xavier , Diez-Perez Adolfo , Eriksen Erik Fink

Hip fracture rate in Norway is the highest registered in World, and more than double that of Spanish women. Previous studies were unable to demonstrate significant differences between the two populations with respect to bone mass or calcium metabolism. In order to test, whether the difference in fracture propensity between both populations could be explained by differences in bone material quality we assessed bone material strength using microindentation in 41 Norwegian and 46...

ba0003pp258 | Osteoporosis: pathophysiology and epidemiology | ECTS2014

Socio-economic status and hip fracture risk: a region-wide ecological study

Reyes Carlen , Javaid M Kassim , Cooper Cyrus , Diez-Perez Adolfo , Prieto-Alhambra Daniel

Purpose: To determine the association between socio-economic status (SES) and risk of hip fracture.Methods: Retrospective cohort study. We used a population database which contains primary care and hospital inpatient records of over >5 million people. Anyone registered in this database in 2009–2012 and resident in an urban area was eligible. Main measures: a validated SES composite index (accounting for proportion of unemployed, insufficiently e...