ICCBH2015 Poster Presentations (1) (201 abstracts)
Moscow Scientific and Research Clinical Institute named M.F. Vladimirskiy, Moscow, Russia.
Objectives: The linear growth of child is characterized by the presence of phases of growth spurt which allowed to rich the peak growth to the end of puberty. Acceleration of velocity of linear growth required the adequate calcium and vitamin D supplementation necessary for mineralization of bone matrix and osteoblast proliferation.
The aim of our study was to evaluate changes of serum concentrations of vitamin D during the growth phases.
Methods: 75 healthy children aged 17 years were enrolled in our study. The weight and linear growth was evaluated according to regional standards (Moscow, 2005). 25-OHD3 levels were measured by immunoassay method.
Results: Low birth weight and/or linear growth was revealed in 37% children, rickets was diagnosed in 37% and 19% had disharmonious physical development. Every third child had bile ducts dyskinesia. The lowest vitamin D level in early-aged children was detected whom lived in orphanages or in families with low income (6.57±7.29 ng/ml). The vitamin D level in children from low income families ranged from 17.1±4.26 to 24.45±1.73 ng/ml.
The vitamin D (25-OHD3) level in whole group children aged 16 years ranged from 2.72 to 58.87 ng/ml. The lower vitamin D levels were in children with different bile duct dysfunction. The prevalence of children who had vitamin D (25-OHD3) levels <20 ng/ml was 26.8%.
In the group of children in the age of 4 years we have found transient increase of serum vitamin D levels, accompanied with decrease osteocalcin and C-terminal telopeptides levels. These findings could interfere physiological mechanisms of preparation of childrens skeleton to growth spurt.
Conclusion: Changes of age-related levels of vitamin D (25-OHD3) in children 16 years allowed to think about the role of vitamin D in growth physiology.
Disclosure: The authors declared no competing interests.