ICCBH2013 Poster Presentations (1) (201 abstracts)
1Department of Human Metabolism, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK; 2Sheffield Childrens Hospital, Sheffield, UK.
Objectives: Guidelines for treatment of vitamin D deficiency (VDD) vary. We aimed to review the range of treatment regimens for VDD used locally and variation in responses.
Methods: We conducted a retrospective review of the records of consecutive patients referred to a Childrens Bone Disease Service with a putative diagnosis of VDD over a 14-month period. Data collected includes vitamin D type used, dose and duration of treatment, and pre- and post serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25OHD). Cases were excluded if these data were missing. Weight was used to calculate total dose of vitamin D per kg administered. In the absence of a contemporary weight, subjects were assumed to have mean weight for age. Presence of rickets, radiographic reports, history of fracture and adverse events were collected.
Results: From 66 consecutive subjects, 29 had pre- and post-treatment 25OHD concentrations and a confirmed serum 25OHD <25 nmol/l. Demographics 18/29 male; 12/29 South Asian, 7/29 Black African, and 4/29 White British. 13/29 had radiographs looking for signs of rickets. In 2/13 rachitic features were identified. In both cases repeat radiographs confirmed resolution with treatment. 4/29 had ever suffered fractures. Cholecalciferol treatment was variably instituted by primary or secondary care physicians. Daily doses ranged 300010 000 U (median 6000); duration 412 weeks (median 6). 2/29 subjects received two doses of 100 000 U each. Estimated total dose/kg ranged 340035 000 U/kg (mean 13 500, S.D. 7400). The increase in serum 25OHD correlated with estimated total dose/kg (R2=29%, P=0.003). 2/29 remained vitamin D insufficient (34 and 45 nmol/l). 4/29 subjects had an increase in 25OHD >200 nmol/l. These were all under 18 months of age and received estimated total doses 11 00035 000 U/kg over 412 weeks. There were no recorded adverse effects.
Conclusion: We found that commonly used regimens for treatment of VDD were effective in raising 25OHD to >50 nmol/l with no evidence of harm. This study is limited by its retrospective character, small size, incomplete data and potential bias regarding subject selection. However, there is variability in response to vitamin D treatment and we believe that clinicians should consider the weight-related total dose, particularly in younger children.