ECTS2013 Oral Communications Osteoblasts and osteocytes (6 abstracts)
Division of Bone Diseases, Geneva University Hospital and Faculty of Medicine, Geneva, Switzerland.
Mechanical stimulation triggers periostin (Postn) expression in the periosteum and osteocytes (Oc), which downregulates Sost and activates β-catenin signaling. Hence the cortical bone response to loading is abolished in Postn−/− mice. Here we investigated the role of Oc β-catenin and its interaction with Postn on the bone biomechanical response. Postn−/− were bred with Oc-Ctnn−/− mice to generate Postn+/−;Oc-Ctnn+/+ and Postn+/+;Oc-Ctnn+/− heterozygotes, Postn+/−;Oc-Ctnn+/− double heterozygotes, Postn−/−;Oc-Ctnn+/+ and their WT littermate. In vivo cyclic axial compression (40 cycles, 1500 peak microstrain, 7 min, 3 days/week) was applied to the left tibia for 2 weeks, while the non-loaded tibia served as paired control. Postn+/+;Oc-Ctnn−/−, Postn+/−;Oc-Ctnn−/− and double KO mice sustained a high rate of spontaneous fractures and death, and were therefore not subjected to mechanical stimulation. Postn+/−;Oc-Ctnn+/+ were not different from WT, whereas Postn+/+;Oc-Ctnn+/− have significantly lower femoral BMD, BV/TV, CtBV, and CtTh (−8, −28, −6.2, and −5.8%, respectively, P<0.05). Double heterozygous mice were similar to Postn+/+;Oc-Ctnn+/−, indicating a predominant influence of Oc β-catenin on bone mass and structure. Following axial compression, tibial BMD gain was similar in Postn+/+;Oc-Ctnn+/−, Postn+/−;Oc-Ctnn+/+; and WT mice (+11.2±0.6 mg/cm2), indicating that neither Postn nor Ctnn haploinsufficiency impaired the biomechanical response. In contrast, BMD gain was significantly lower in Postn+/−;Oc-Ctnn+/− (+7.9±1.0 mg/cm2) and Postn−/−;Oc-Ctnn+/+(+4.8±1.2 mg/cm2) (P<0.05 compared to the other groups). Similarly, CtTV and CtBV increased 12% to 17% in the stimulated vs non-stimulated tibia of Postn+/+;Oc-Ctnn+/+, Postn+/−;Oc-Ctnn+/+ and Postn+/+;Oc-Ctnn+/− (all P<0.05), but not in Postn+/−;Oc-Ctnn+/− nor in Postn−/−;Oc-Ctnn+/+. BV/TV increased with loading independtly of the genotype. In conclusions, β-catenin haploinsufficiency in osteocytes affects post-natal bone remodelling but not the modelling induced by axial compression. However, the concomitant loss of one β-catenin and one periostin allele impairs the cortex biomechanical response, which implies that periostin and β-catenin expression in osteocytes synergize to mediate skeletal adaptation to loading.